Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
Politics And Catholics With Archbishop Charles Chaput
This a wonderful video of an interview with Archbishop Charles Chaput talking about politics and Catholics today. The video is from 2008. His interview is quite fascinating. He does an excellent job of explaining the Catholic Church and its positions regarding politics along with other topics that affect the Church today. He answers questions on his book, Render Unto Caeser. I want to read his book. It sounds great. Its a long video, so grab a drink & a snack, sit down and enjoy!!
Archbishop Charles Chaput,
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Meatloaf -- Life is a Lemon And I Want My Money Back (video)
This seems apropos at this time since Obama is taxing us to death now and is going to be increasing the tax rates in the future.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Heat Would Be Lovely/My Apartment Sucks
My apartment complex sucks balls, really big-time!! Since yesterday, we have had NO HEAT. It is freaking cold in my place. This apartment that is run by Lamo (changed name for anonymity) Management, is really run by backwards management. They seem to do everything the wrong way. These Brentwood, PA apartments need a major renovation job and new staff that knows what the hell they are doing with regards in running an apartment complex. These people have so many building safety violations thats its not funny at all. And then we have wonderful illegal immigrants that like to steal our stuff out of storage areas. I believe it is time to move from this horror. Kevin and I have been hoping to move for some time, but unfortunately the money just isn't there to be able to move. With my being sick for about a year, and me being on unemployment money is tighter than had planned. No problem, but I hate being taking advantage of by this crappy apartment management. I just needed to vent before I go to cuddle underneath the covers to keep warm. Have a great day!!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon Parts 1 & 2 (Videos)
I absolutely adore both The Wizard of Oz and Pink Floyd, and since its close to Halloween, I thought that I would post the video of Dark Side of the Moon being sung to the movie, The Wizard of Oz. This will have to be posted in parts due to the length of song/video. I will post as many as I can find on youtube between now and Halloween. Enjoy!!
Dark Side of the Moon,
Pink Floyd,
The Wizard of Oz
Saturday, October 17, 2009
My Thoughts on the Power of Persuasion
I think the idea of the power of persuasion is both important and a useful tool. It is worthwhile to persuade a person that your position is the right one. I believe that expressing strong convictions and presenting and defending your point of view is very important in the process of persuading a person to switch from their original position over to agreeing with your point of view.
I think that a person who pretends to be sympathetic with the opponent's position with the purpose to persuade someone to come over to their side leaves himself or herself in a vulnerable position. Plus, the person who you are trying to persuade may hold firm to his or her belief, and may be able to tell that you are wishy-washy on the issue and might try to take advantage of that. Moreover, what if your wishy-washiness is detected as a con, an attempt at manipulation, and you lose credibility?
The more you weaken into a "center" position, or pretending to be a friend of the opposite point of view instead of holding true to your convictions, the more you leave yourself open to the other side's position slowly seeping into your consciousness and then actually converting you over their side, or agreeing with their position.
I believe the only chance a person has of persuading an opposing person to change his or her mind is to hold true to one's point of view firmly and with conviction.
I think that a person who pretends to be sympathetic with the opponent's position with the purpose to persuade someone to come over to their side leaves himself or herself in a vulnerable position. Plus, the person who you are trying to persuade may hold firm to his or her belief, and may be able to tell that you are wishy-washy on the issue and might try to take advantage of that. Moreover, what if your wishy-washiness is detected as a con, an attempt at manipulation, and you lose credibility?
The more you weaken into a "center" position, or pretending to be a friend of the opposite point of view instead of holding true to your convictions, the more you leave yourself open to the other side's position slowly seeping into your consciousness and then actually converting you over their side, or agreeing with their position.
I believe the only chance a person has of persuading an opposing person to change his or her mind is to hold true to one's point of view firmly and with conviction.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Amazing: A Respectful Pro-Life Article by the New York Times
Its AMAZING!! An honest article on the pro-life movement, on the front page of the New York Times!!!!!! The New York Times has actually written a fair characterization of pro-life activists and activism. And pleasantly surprised, pro-lifers are portrayed as smart, convicted, and compelling. This a very respectful story of pro-lifers and the pro-life movement.
Abortion Foes Tell of Their Journey to the Streets: Action means many things to abortion opponents. Lobbyists and fund-raisers fight for the cause in marble hallways; volunteers at crisis pregnancy centers try to dissuade the pregnant on cozy sofas. Then there are the protesters like James Pouillon, who was shot dead here last month while holding an anti-abortion sign outside a high school. A martyr to some, an irritant to others, Mr. Pouillon in death has become a blessing of sorts for the loosely acquainted activists who knew him as a friend: proof that abortion doctors are not the only ones under duress, proof that protests matter, and a spark for more action.
“Jim suffered the persecution for us,” said Dan Brewer, who recalls swearing at Mr. Pouillon during one of his one-man protests in the ’90s, only to join him later after becoming a born-again Christian. “Now we just have to go out and do it.” A national tribute is already planned. Anti-abortion groups are calling on protesters to stand outside schools with signs that depict abortion on Nov. 24 in 40 to 50 cities nationwide.
Some who plan to take part, like Chet Gallagher, a former Las Vegas police officer, have been answering such calls for decades; he first got involved in the ’80s, when every month seemed to bring a new “rescue,” another chance to lock arms with fellow Christians and block access to an abortion clinic.Others have arrived at the cause after experiencing personal traumas — in the case of Deborah Anderson, an abusive childhood and then an unwanted pregnancy — while still more fell into it through personal connections.
Together, these street activists make up an assertive minority of a few thousand people within the larger anti-abortion movement. Neither the best financed nor largest element in the mix, they are nonetheless the only face of anti-abortion that many Americans see. Indeed, persistent provocation is their defining attribute: day after day on street corners from California to Massachusetts, they stand like town criers, calling to women walking into abortion clinics, or waving graphic signs as disturbing as they are impossible to ignore.Their ranks are more infused with emotion — they would say commitment — than top-down discipline.
Ziad Munson, a sociologist at Lehigh University who has interviewed hundreds of abortion opponents, said street protesters rarely moved into other areas of the movement and tended to work alone or in smaller groups. Even in cases when they form large and influential organizations, it is sometimes difficult to get beyond the culture of passionate dispute.To critics, like Nancy Keenan, president of Naral Pro-Choice America, these protesters look like bullies bent on harassment. Among those who share their views but not their tactics, street activists have been marginalized as attention hogs who prefer to attract outrage rather than inspiring compassion.
In the case of Mr. Pouillon, that outrage may have led to death. The police said the man charged in the killing, Harlan J. Drake, a local truck driver, was bothered by the signs Mr. Pouillon showed children as they came to school. The day he was shot, Mr. Pouillon was showing a mangled fetus, part of an almost daily effort to put abortion into the minds of his neighbors. “It’s all about the eyes,” he used to say to fellow demonstrators. “It’s all about the eyes.”But as the personal stories of Mr. Gallagher, Mr. Brewer and Ms. Anderson suggest, the motivations of many protesters are more complicated. They see themselves as righteous curbside critics, prophets warning the world with what they describe as the horrific truth no one wants to see. They have endured insults, threats and even estrangement from their families because they have found what nearly every activist craves: conviction, camaraderie and conflict.
The Police Officer: From Civil Law to BiblicalChet Gallagher did not plan to join the blockade at the abortion clinic in Atlanta when he traveled there 21 years ago. But when he saw the passion of so many Christians outside the clinic, he said, he could not resist: he ended up in jail for 11 days, with James Pouillon and 700 others.
The NYT has actually printed pictures of abortion victims. Here are the pictures below. Forewarning: They are graphic.
Abortion Foes Tell of Their Journey to the Streets: Action means many things to abortion opponents. Lobbyists and fund-raisers fight for the cause in marble hallways; volunteers at crisis pregnancy centers try to dissuade the pregnant on cozy sofas. Then there are the protesters like James Pouillon, who was shot dead here last month while holding an anti-abortion sign outside a high school. A martyr to some, an irritant to others, Mr. Pouillon in death has become a blessing of sorts for the loosely acquainted activists who knew him as a friend: proof that abortion doctors are not the only ones under duress, proof that protests matter, and a spark for more action.
“Jim suffered the persecution for us,” said Dan Brewer, who recalls swearing at Mr. Pouillon during one of his one-man protests in the ’90s, only to join him later after becoming a born-again Christian. “Now we just have to go out and do it.” A national tribute is already planned. Anti-abortion groups are calling on protesters to stand outside schools with signs that depict abortion on Nov. 24 in 40 to 50 cities nationwide.
Some who plan to take part, like Chet Gallagher, a former Las Vegas police officer, have been answering such calls for decades; he first got involved in the ’80s, when every month seemed to bring a new “rescue,” another chance to lock arms with fellow Christians and block access to an abortion clinic.Others have arrived at the cause after experiencing personal traumas — in the case of Deborah Anderson, an abusive childhood and then an unwanted pregnancy — while still more fell into it through personal connections.
Together, these street activists make up an assertive minority of a few thousand people within the larger anti-abortion movement. Neither the best financed nor largest element in the mix, they are nonetheless the only face of anti-abortion that many Americans see. Indeed, persistent provocation is their defining attribute: day after day on street corners from California to Massachusetts, they stand like town criers, calling to women walking into abortion clinics, or waving graphic signs as disturbing as they are impossible to ignore.Their ranks are more infused with emotion — they would say commitment — than top-down discipline.
Ziad Munson, a sociologist at Lehigh University who has interviewed hundreds of abortion opponents, said street protesters rarely moved into other areas of the movement and tended to work alone or in smaller groups. Even in cases when they form large and influential organizations, it is sometimes difficult to get beyond the culture of passionate dispute.To critics, like Nancy Keenan, president of Naral Pro-Choice America, these protesters look like bullies bent on harassment. Among those who share their views but not their tactics, street activists have been marginalized as attention hogs who prefer to attract outrage rather than inspiring compassion.
In the case of Mr. Pouillon, that outrage may have led to death. The police said the man charged in the killing, Harlan J. Drake, a local truck driver, was bothered by the signs Mr. Pouillon showed children as they came to school. The day he was shot, Mr. Pouillon was showing a mangled fetus, part of an almost daily effort to put abortion into the minds of his neighbors. “It’s all about the eyes,” he used to say to fellow demonstrators. “It’s all about the eyes.”But as the personal stories of Mr. Gallagher, Mr. Brewer and Ms. Anderson suggest, the motivations of many protesters are more complicated. They see themselves as righteous curbside critics, prophets warning the world with what they describe as the horrific truth no one wants to see. They have endured insults, threats and even estrangement from their families because they have found what nearly every activist craves: conviction, camaraderie and conflict.
The Police Officer: From Civil Law to BiblicalChet Gallagher did not plan to join the blockade at the abortion clinic in Atlanta when he traveled there 21 years ago. But when he saw the passion of so many Christians outside the clinic, he said, he could not resist: he ended up in jail for 11 days, with James Pouillon and 700 others.
The NYT has actually printed pictures of abortion victims. Here are the pictures below. Forewarning: They are graphic.
Here is more Jill Stanek's website
New York Times,
unborn baby
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Pictures of downtown Pittsburgh during the G-20 Summit
Here are some photos from my stroll in downtown Pittsburgh during the G-20 Summit. It was actually quite enjoyable and peaceful. Enjoy!

Monday, September 28, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Not A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood
I am utterly fed up and pissed with at least one freakin' liberal in my neighborhood. This man, I guess just really feels the desire or need to to kill a good thing and an enjoyable moment. I went outside yesterday to show them pictures and videos of my time at the 9/12 March in D.C. over the weekend and the one of the liberal men has to act like a gosh dang know it all about the number of people that attended the march. He said, "I watched the news and saw the pictures. And, it just had to be this small number of people." He was extremely adamount about the number of people who attended the march. Well, this freaking libtard watches MSNBC which is utterly leftist to the enth degree. This neighbor is a pain in the a$$ hippie that thinks he knows it all about politics and how the world should be because he watches the History channel and reads both the liberal leaning newspaper, The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, and the Rolling Stones magazine. I said, " I was there and you weren't, so how the hell would you know how many people were actually there?" He pushed my buttons on purpose which he tries to do on a pretty regular basis. Because he watched a freaking news story he thinks he knows how many people attended the March. This is from a hippie who was a roadie on a few different bands, did drugs, and protested the Vietnam War himself. Then, he said, I don't know why you protested. What's the point? Did it change anything? He is a freaking hypocrite. He just irks me and really pisses me off. I went over there excited about the weekend and he pretty much killed my high that I was on from participating in the march over the weekend. Well, lets just say I was in rare form and he deserved his comuppance. Well, anyways I don't plan on hanging out with him for awhile. I am passionate about my beliefs related to politics. It is the first time that I have found something that I am on fire for and actually want to pursue a career in. And, this loser idiot knows that, but he takes pleasure in causing arguments and the frustration that goes along with it. Then, he has the gall to say I pay more taxes than you and pay for your college education. I said what the F? I have loans. You don't pay for my college education. But, if he did, with him being a liberal doesn't he believe in spreading the wealth? Oh, I guess that's only applies to liberals. All he does all day long is either sit on his chair inside the house or outside if the weather's nice out. So, I said I want to make a difference in this world, but you go ahead and sit on your butt all day long and do nothing. I'll work at my small part-time job, go to college, and be involved politially while he does what? Sits on his A$$ all day long.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Puzzled... Rantings on Morality and Defense of Country
This is my first post on my new blog. I just wanted to let everyone know that this blog will include ponderings on absolutely everything. My rants and raves will include a broad spectrum of issues related to being a married college student. For awhile I have been fascinated by the Hippo and that is why I used that animal in the name of my blog.
What is quite puzzling to me and quite frankly I can't understand is why some people seem to care more about the welfare of terrorists who want to kill us than the the defense of the United States and the governments right to defend all of its citizens. Our great country was attacked on Sept.11 by terrorists who used planes as weapons to kill thousands of people and it is our right as a nation to fight back against the War that was brought to us on our soil. The CIA agents and soldiers under George W. Bush did a superb job of defending us and keeping us safe for about eight years and now the Obama administration is going to penalize those agents for using techniques that prevented us from incurring another terrorist attack. This was all done in defense of our country with physicians watching the terrorists' health very closely. It just doesn't make sense to me how some people would rather play God and think that they are acting morally by not letting the CIA agents do their job to their fullest capabilities and preventing some so called unjust harm to terrorists, but yet find it acceptable in the name of morality and peace to simply let the terrorists win and kill the innocent. Is it really moral to allow an attack to happen when you have both the means and the capability to find out the information regarding an attack and possibly prevent an attack from happening? Aren't these people in effect playing into the hands of the terrorists by being willing to play the terrorists' game? Is it really moral to hold a terrorists life of higher value than many innocent people, just so the person can claim the so called moral high ground? That just puzzles me and does not make sense. For a person to put terrorist lives above innocent lives is not moral in any way to me. Maybe a perverted washed down liberal sense of morality that has invaded our churches for years.
What is quite puzzling to me and quite frankly I can't understand is why some people seem to care more about the welfare of terrorists who want to kill us than the the defense of the United States and the governments right to defend all of its citizens. Our great country was attacked on Sept.11 by terrorists who used planes as weapons to kill thousands of people and it is our right as a nation to fight back against the War that was brought to us on our soil. The CIA agents and soldiers under George W. Bush did a superb job of defending us and keeping us safe for about eight years and now the Obama administration is going to penalize those agents for using techniques that prevented us from incurring another terrorist attack. This was all done in defense of our country with physicians watching the terrorists' health very closely. It just doesn't make sense to me how some people would rather play God and think that they are acting morally by not letting the CIA agents do their job to their fullest capabilities and preventing some so called unjust harm to terrorists, but yet find it acceptable in the name of morality and peace to simply let the terrorists win and kill the innocent. Is it really moral to allow an attack to happen when you have both the means and the capability to find out the information regarding an attack and possibly prevent an attack from happening? Aren't these people in effect playing into the hands of the terrorists by being willing to play the terrorists' game? Is it really moral to hold a terrorists life of higher value than many innocent people, just so the person can claim the so called moral high ground? That just puzzles me and does not make sense. For a person to put terrorist lives above innocent lives is not moral in any way to me. Maybe a perverted washed down liberal sense of morality that has invaded our churches for years.
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